Sunday, January 17, 2016

Prelude to 2015 Music Lists

For the past few years, I wake up around 4 AM almost every morning. Sometimes I go back to sleep, sometimes I don't.  Rather than lay there and let my mind race, I put some earbuds in and listen to BBC 6.  It's the lunchtime and afternoon radio shows and I get to hear music I don't hear on the radio here.

Monday morning, I woke up and they were playing the end of David Bowie song, which was not unusual. The next song was a David Bowie song, and within a minute of putting my headphones on, I knew he was gone.

His passing was not a shock.  He was 69 years old and it turns out he had cancer, something that happens to people when they get older. However, this caused a reflection on his career over the next few days.

During the day, I was listening to Beats 1 radio and some guy came on and called him the most influential music artist of our times.  The hyperbole from that was enough to set me off on a rant that my friends, with which  I discuss music, had to listen to.  The general consensus, he was not the most influential, but, he was in the conversation.  He was definitely in the top 5.  Maybe, another time, we'll discuss the problem of narcissism in the media which causes broadcasters to take a tragedy and make it about themselves.

So, why does the title not match the post?

My annual music lists were done last weekend.  I was just waiting a couple of days to start posting them.  Then, this happened, and I thought I should wait.  The lists will show up shortly.

Here's a video of one of my favorite songs. I got to see this tour at the Tacoma Dome.

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